Monday, September 30, 2019

Spiritual Teachers

Great Spiritual Masters and Teachers Written by Devon Love Sections on Babaji, How To Pick   Or Not Pick) A Spiritual Teacher, and Conclusion written by Christine Breese, D. D. Ph. D. Introduction Throughout time, many spiritual masters have offered teachings in service to humanity. Many who have been inclined toward self realization have, through a wide variety of different paths, reached this goal and gone on   to teach others. This process remains a mystery to and yet many people at some point in their lives begin to question who they are and seek out teachings to help them answer this question.There  are  multitudes  of   different  ways  that  spiritual  information  is  passed  on  and  shared  with  others. In  this  course  we  will  explore  the   many  different  categories  of  spiritual  masters  and  teachers  throughout  recorded  history. Review Of Literature (Exam  questions  are  not  drawn  from  the  Review  Of  Literature  section. )   Tao  Te  Ching  (1963)  translated  by  D. C. Lau  from  Lao  Tsu’s  original  words  is  a  translation  of  the  Chinese   classic. The   Tao   Te   Ching   rings   clearly   through   the   ages   as   a   Great   Pearl   of   timeless   Wisdom. All   serious   metaphysicians   should   study   this   work,   and   meditate   on   its   teachings.Like   all   great   spiritual   texts,   the   Tao   Te   Ching,  when  deeply  contemplated,  reveals  the  true  nature  of  the  universe. Peace   Is   Every   Step:   The   Path   Of   Mindfulness   In   Everyday   Life   (1991)   by   Thich   Nhat   Hahn   is   a   wonderful   book. Thich  Nhat  Hahn  is  a  Zen  Buddhist  monk  whose  teachings  come  straight  from  the  hear t. Those  who  have   discovered   his   work   have   likely   been   transformed   by   it. His   words   are   filled   with   compassion,   humility,   and   purity. In  Peace  Is  Every  Step,  Te  (teacher)  as  his  students  refer  to  him,  teaches  of  awakening  to  the  joy  of  now,  the   loving  presence  of  life.He  speaks  of  finding  joy  and  peace  wherever  one  is,  in  looking  at  flowers,  at  the  blue  sky, or  into  the  eyes  of  a  child. Thich  Nhat  Hahn’s  teachings  apply  to  everyone,  and  this  simple  book  is  an  excellent   introduction  to  his  work. The   Miracle   Of   Mindfulnes   (1975)   by   Thich   Nhat   Hahn   is   another   beautiful   gem   arising   from   the   consciousness   of   Te,   this   is   a   Zen   masterpiece,   reminding   us   in   simple,   economical,   and   flowing   words   of   the   wisdom  of  being  present  to  life. Using  anecdotes  from  his  life,  Te  tells  us  to  wake  up  and  consciously  experience   each  moment  as  the  precious  gift  that  it  is.From  washing  dishes  to  drinking  a  cup  of  tea,  he  encourages  us  to  be   fully   present,   awake,   and   aware,   to   be   fully   in   our   bodies,   and   experiencing   the   actual   physical   sensations   of   breathing  and  movement  in  these  acts,  this  being  the  key  to  fully  realizing  ourselves. The  Heart  Of  Buddha? s  Teachings:Transforming,  Suffering  Into  Peace,  Joy,  And  Liberation  (1998),  by  Thich  Naht   Hahn,   presents   the   teachings   of   Buddhaà ‚   in   a   simple   and   lovely   way. His   understanding   and   interpretation   of   these  teachings  is  flawless.He  speaks  of  his  own  relationship  with  suffering,  and  how  he  merged  with  Buddha   through  this. He  goes  to  the  heart  of  Buddha’s  teachings  on  suffering  and  non? suffering,  misery  and  happiness,   and   how   these   each   exist   only   with   the   presence   of   the   other. From   chapter   1:   Buddha   was   not   a   god. He   was   a   human  being  like  you  and  me,  and  he  suffered  just  as  we  do. If  we  go  to  the  Buddha  with  our  hearts  open,  he  will  look  at  us,   his   eyes   filled   with   compassion,   and   say,   â€Å"Because   there   is   suffering   in   your   heart,   it   isà ‚   possible   for   you   to   enter   my   heart. †¦If   you   have   experienced   hunger,   you   know   that   having   food   is   a   miracle. If  you  have  suffered  from  the  cold,  you   know   the   preciousness   of   warmth. When   you   have   suffered,   you   know   how   to   appreciate   the   elements   of   paradise   that  are   present. If  you  dwell  only  in  your  suffering,  you  will  miss  paradise. Don? t  ignore  your  suffering,  but  don? t  forget  to  enjoy   the  wonders  of  life,  for  your  sake  and  for  the  benefit  of  many  beings. The  Art  Of  Happiness:  A  Handbook  For  Living  (1998)  by  His  Holiness  the  Dalai Lama  with  Howard  C. Cutler   M. D. s   a   collaboration   between   H. H. the   Dalai   Lama,   the   spiritu al   leader   of   Tibet,   and   Dr. Cutler,   a   psychiatrist. These  two  people  broke  the  barriers  between  spirituality  and  psychology  in  order  to  help  people  realize  happiness. The  perspective  in  the  book  alternates  between  the  understanding  of  a  Western  psychiatrist,  and  the  understanding   of  a  Tibetan  spiritual  leader,  through  a  conversation  in  which  each  attempts  to  understand  the  other. The  outcome  is   a  rich  dialogue  of  great  importance,  which  explores  questions  such  as†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Is  happiness  truly  possible?   and†¦Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"How   is  it  that  we  find  happiness? †Ã‚  If  you  are  seeking  happiness,  this  book  is  recommended. Ethics  For  The  New  Millennium  (1999)  by  His  Holiness  The  Dalai  Lam a  is  a  book  dedicated  toward  the  task   of  right  living. An  excerpt  from  chapter  1  reads  as  follows:  We  have,  in  my  view,  created  a  society  in  which  people  find   it  harder  and  harder  to  show  one  another  basic  affection. In  place  of  the  sense  of  community  and  belonging,  which  we  find   Great  Spiritual  Masters  &  Teachers  Ã‚ ©2005  University  Of  Metaphysical  Sciences   1 uch  a  reassuring  feature  of  less  wealthy  (and  generally  rural)  societies,  we  find  a  high  a  degree  of  loneliness  and  alienation. Despite  the  fact  that  millions  live  in  close  proximity  to  one  another,  it  seems  that  many  people,  especially  among  the  old,  have   no  one  to  talk  to  but  their  pets. Modern  industrial  society  often  strikes  me  as  being  like  a  huge  self? propelled  machine. Instead   of  human  beings  in  charge,  each  individual  is  a  tiny,  insignificant  component  with  no  choice  but  to  move  when  the  machine   moves. Around  this  observation,  H.H. the  Dalai  Lama  offers  a  cure  for  what  ails  us. This  is  an  excellent  book,  and   a  great  follow? up  to  The  Art  Of  Happiness. Rumi  as  translated  by  Coleman  Barks  in  The  Essential  Rumi  (2001)  is  an  exquisite  translation  to  read. Here we  find  the  poetry  of  Rumi,  and  if  you  have  not  experienced  his  work,  there  is  nothing  to  do  but  drink  from  the   fountain:  Ã‚   The  Many  Wines   God  has  given  us  a  dark  wine  so  potent  t hat,  drinking  it,  we  leave  the  two  worlds. God  has  put  into  the  form  of  hashish  a  power  to  deliver  the  taster  from  self? consciousness.God  has  made  sleep  so  that  it  erases  every  thought. God  made  Manjun  love  Layla  so  much  that  just  her  dog  would  cause  confusion  in  him. There  are  thousands  of  wines  that  can  take  over  our  minds. Don? t  think  all  ecstasies  are  the  same! Jesus  was  lost  in  his  love  for  God. His  donkey  was  drunk  with  barley. Drink  from  the  presence  of  saints,  not  from  those  other  jars. Every  object,  every  being,  is  a  jar  full  of  joy? from  The  Essential  Rumi   Guru  For  The  Aquarian  Age:  The  Life  And  Teachings  Of  Guru  Nanak  (1996)  by  Steve  Gilba r  and  Partnatma   Singh   talks   about   a   particular   guru   named   Nanak.From   the   introduction   by   Yogi   Bajan:   Guru   Nanak   served   humanity  by  openly  teaching  this  technique  of  awareness  in  order  to  bring  men  out  from  the  pit  of  hell  into  which  they  had   been  dragged  by  the  blind,  ritualistic,  self? centered,  spiritual  egoists  of  that  dark  age. He  gave  men  freedom  of  the  spirit  and   took  away  the  domination  of  these  Ã¢â‚¬Å"middlemen. †Ã‚  Humanity  had  committed  the  error  time  and  time  again  of  worshiping  the   man   rather   than   the   truth   he   represents. Guru   Nanak   taught   that   it   is   God   who   prevails   through   demand   and   the   man? owever   great   he   may   be? is   only   the   channel,   the   instrument   for   the   flow   of   Divine   Wisdom. Men   are   meant   to   praise   God,   and   to   teach   others   to   do   so,   not   to   become   objects   of   worship   themselves. Thus,   Guru   Nanak   reestablished   righteousness  and  the  path  to  glory  in  his  own  time. He  made  mankind  understand  the  basic  law  of  life:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Nanak  nam  Chardi   kala,  tere  bhane  sarbat  ka  bhala,†Ã‚  keep  up  and  wish  good  to  all. Isis  Unveiled:  Secrets  Of  The  Ancient  Wisdom  Traditions,  Madame  Blavatsky? s  First  Work,  A  New  Abridgment   For   Today   (1997)   by   Helena   P.Blavatsky,   abridged   by   Michael   Gomes   is   a   classic. Helena   Blavatsky   was   a   spiritual  adventurer  and  metaphys ician  who  founded  the  Theosophical  Society,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A  world  organization  dedicated  to   fellowship   among   all   peoples   and   encouragement   of   the   study   of   religion,   philosophy,   and   science. † In   this   voluminous   book,  Blavatsky  endeavors  to  reveal  the  truth  underlying  the  ancient  mystery  teachings  found  in  many  cultures. Though   the   original   is   difficult   to   read,   the   abridged   edition   is   much   more   accessible.If   one   is   serious   about   metaphysics,  theosophy,  Egyptology,  and  mystery  school  teachings,  this  is  a  must  read. Hildegard   Von   Bingen’s   Mystical   Visions:   Translated   From   Scivias   (1995)   translated   by   Bruce   Hozeski   is   all   about  Hildegard  Von  Bingen,  an  eleventh  century  mystical  visionary  who  had  begun  to  have  visions  and  speak   prophecy   by   the   age   of   15. She   was   a   writer   and   an   accomplished   musician,   and   everything   she   wrote   and   composed  seemed  divinely  inspired.This  book  is  a  translation  from  her  work  entitled  Scivias,  which  means  Know   The   Path. It   is   a   collection   of   her   visions   and   the   prophecy   brought   forth   in   them. There   are   26   visions,   and   Hozeski  breaks  each  one  up  into  sections  and  discusses  and  interprets  the  rich  symbolism  contained  within. This   is  a  profound  look  into  the  visions  of  a  great  mystic. In   Tales   of   Hasidim:   Book   One,   The   Early   Masters   (1991)   by   Martin   Buber,   tra nslated   by   Olga   Marx,   the   author   tells   the   stories   of   the   early   leaders   of   this   religion.The   brilliant   Jewish   philosopher   and   scholar/practitioner   of   the   Hasidic   faith,   comments   on   the   philosophy   of   Hasidic   Judaism. His   writing   on   The   Baal   Shem   Tov   were   used   in   the   research   for   this   course. Martin   Buber? s   body   of   work   has   been   profoundly   influential  in  its  focus  on  the  value  of  human  relationships  and  conscious  interaction  with  life. His  philosophical   views  are  beautifully  expressed  in  the  now  classic  I  And  Thou  (1970). If  you  are  interested  in  learning  more  about   Hasidism  or  human  relationships,  these  works  are  invaluable  to  your  studies. Why   The   Baal   Shem   Tov  Laughed:  52  Stories  About  Our  Great  Chasidic  Rabbis  (1993)  by  Sterna  Citron  is  an   informative  piece  of  literature  on  Hasidic  Judaism. From  the  back  cover:  In  the  year  5487,  a  brilliant  source  of  light illuminated  the  dark  skies  of  European  Jewry. Yisroel  Baal  Shem  Tov  breathed  life  and  joy  into  a  population  oppressed  by  a   Great  Spiritual  Masters  &  Teachers  Ã‚ ©2005  University  Of  Metaphysical  Sciences   2 hostile  environment  and  depressed  by  disillusionment†¦Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"These  Hasidic  stories  are  not  only  heartwarming  and  encouraging   but  also  a  source  of  our  own  character  building.While  reaching  the  goals  of  the  saintly  individuals  may  be  unrealistic,  the   principles   they   established   and   manifested   in   their   lives   should   serve   as   guidelines   for   us. Even   the   fact   that   we   cannot   achieve  their  greatness  should  not  deter  us  from  at  least  trying  to  emulate  them. †? from  Dr. Abraham  J. Twerski   A  Simple  Path  (1995)  by  Mother  Theresa  and  compiled  by  Lucinda  Vardey  chronicles  the  works  of  Mother   Theresa,  her  unfailing  dedication  to  serving  those  in  need,  and  the  formation  of  her  powerful  and  compassionate   organization,   The   Missionaries   Of   Charity.The   story   of   Mother   Theresa   and   her   works   is   an   inspiration   to   all. This  is  highly  recommended  reading. From  the  back  cover:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"There  is  something  else  to  remember? that  this  kind  of   love  begins  at  home. We  cannot  give  to  the  outside  what  we  don? t  have  on  the  inside. This  is  very  important. If  I  can’t  see   God? s   love   in   my   brother   and   sister   then   how   can   I   see   that   love   in   somebody   else? How   can   I   give   it   to   somebody   else? Everybody  has  got  some  good. Some  hide  it,  some  neglect  it,  but  it  is  there.   ? Mother  Theresa  Ã‚   The   Philosophy   Of   Freedom:   The   Basis   For   A   Modern   World   Conception   (1916)   was   translated   by   Michael   Wilson   and   is   an   early   work   of   philosophy   by   Rudolph   Steiner. Steiner   was   a   19th? century   philosopher,   spiritualist   and   clairvoyant   who   created   a   spiritual? p hilosophical   cosmology   that   he   called   anthroposophy. He   was   a   student   of   mystery   teachings,   and   was   involved   for   years   with   the   Theosophical   society,   as   well   as   the   Rosicrucians.The   Philosophy   Of   Freedom   was   his   defining   work   outlining   his   cosmological   view. From   the   back cover:  Are  we  free,  whether  we  know  it  or  not? Or  is  our  sense  of  freedom  merely  an  illusion? Rudolph  Steiner  tackles  this   age? old  problem  in  a  new  way. He  says  that  by  taking  account  of  our  own  activity  of  thinking,  we  can  know  the  reasons  for   our  actions. And  if  these  reasons  are  taken  from  our  world  of  the  ideals,  then  our  actions  are  free,  because  we  alone  determine   them. But   this   freedom   cannot   be   settled   for   us   by   philosophical   argument.It   is   not   simply   granted   to   us. If   we   want   to   become  free,  we  have  to  strive  by  our  own  inner  activity  to  overcome  our  unconscious  urges  and  habits  of  thought. In  order   to  do  this  we  must  reach  a  point  of  view  that  recognizes  no  limits  to  knowledge,  sees  through  all  illusions,  and  opens  the  door   to  an  experience  of  the  reality  of  the  spiritual  world. Then  we  can  achieve  the  highest  level  of  evolution. We  can  recognize   ourselves  as  free  spirit. ?Michael  Wilson  Ã‚   Gurdjieff:  The  Key  Concepts  (2003)  by  Sophia  Wellbeloved  is  a  thorough  investigation  of  Gurdjieff’s  legacy   of  work.From  the  back  cover:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sophia  Wellbeloved  has  provided  here  a  tool  for  delving  beneath  Gurdjieff’s  veil  of  words,   for  both  a  specialized  and  general  public†¦Ã‚  this  is  a  work  that  honors  Gurdjieff’s  gift  to  the  moral  and  spiritual  welfare  of   mankind. †Ã‚  ? Paul  Beekman  Taylor. â€Å"This  unique  book  offers  clear  definitions  of  Gurdjieff’s  teaching  terms,  placing  him   within  the  political,  geographical,  and  cultural  context  of  his  time. Selected  entries  look  at  diverse  aspects  of  his  work. †Ã‚   Teachings   Of   The   Hindu   Mystic   (2001)   by   Andrew   Harvey   is   a   compilation   of   writings   from   the   Hindu   mystical   tradition.Andrew   Harvey   is   a   wo rld? renowned   author,   lecturer,   and   teacher   of   the   world? s   spiritual   traditions. He  has  spent  many  years  studying  Hinduism,  Buddhism  and  Christianity. Included  are  works  from   the  Bhagavad? Gita,  the  Upanishads,  teachings  from  Ramakrishna  and  Ramana  Maharishi,  as  well  as  devotional   poetry   from   Mirabai,   Ramprasad,   and   others. This   is   a   great   introduction   to   Hindu   mystic   teachings,   with   its   beautiful  way  of  expression  through  lyrical  verse. Brother   Francis:   An   Anthology   Of   Writings   By   And   About   St. Francis   Of

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Financial Ratios and Hershey

A. TWO KEY LESSONS LEARNT FROM THIS CASE Hershey Company is famous known for being the biggest manufacturer of chocolates and confectionery products in North America and grocery products in over 60 countries worldwide. In 2009, Hershey sales up to 3. 23 percent. Advertising expenses increased by 46 percent as the company continued to promote iconic brands such as the Hershey Kiss and Reese’s products. Due to lower commodity prices, the company plans to discontinue their Cacao Reserve brand as well as their Starbucks chocolate partnership. The company also plans to close their online gift business.The company expanded its global presence via joint ventures in china and India. From this case, we found two key lessons as following: (a) The first lesson is about the important of expanding to global market (b) The second lesson is about the importance for the firm to keep developing customer preferences. It is important for company to focus on how to formulate global product strate gy to penetrate growing international markets. Therefore, Hershey should come up with new strategies in finance, marketing and production department to complete globally and to increase the customer satisfaction and market share.B. Vision Statement Since we could not find a vision statement of Hershey company then we suggest a vision as below: â€Å"Achieving consumers needs which making chocolate more healthy, delicious and delightful for life† From our opinion, this vision is clear in term of to help the company to see where the company is going on in the future which the company more concern about customer need and offer the product of natural and organic chocolate for health. According to researchers led by Natalie Rose, MD, of the University of California at San Diego.The result suggests several possible relationships between eating chocolate and wellness, it helps to increase the level of specific neurotransmitters in our brain that in turn promotes feeling of happiness and help to raise the good hormone that act as an ati-depressant. Therefore, It captures the importance not only for healthy but also the happiness of eating chocolate. C. Mission Statement The current mission of the Hershey company is â€Å"Bringing sweet moments of Hershey happiness to the world everyday† To our stakeholders, this means: Consumer: Delivering quality consumer driven confectionery experiences for all occasions. * Employees: Winning with an aligned and empowered organization while having fun. * Business Partner: Building collaborative relationships for profitable growth with our customers, suppliers, and partners. * Shareholder: Creating sustainable value. * Communities: Honoring our heritage through continued commitment to making a positive difference. The current mission consists of the following characteristics: 1. Customer 2. Concern for survival, profitability, growth 3. Philosophy 4. Self-concept 5.Concern for public image 6. Concern for employees Missi on statement is often the most visible and public part of the strategic management process. The current mission is sufficient to remind the company on their attitude and outlook. However, it is important to include the nine characteristic, as mission statement would be more effective. From our analysis, the current mission lacks of another three characteristics, which are products, market, and technology. These four characteristics are important for the company in the long-term development. Thus, we think that the current mission can be improved as follows: Bringing sweet moments of chocolate Hershey happiness to the world every day† To stakeholders, this means: Consumer: Delivering quality consumer with the lastest technology to drive experiences for all occasions. Employee: Winning with an aligned and empowered organization while having fun. Business Partners: Building collaborative relationships for profitable growth with our customers, suppliers, and partners in the intern ational market. Shareholders: Creating sustainable value. Communities: Honoring our heritage through continued commitment to making a positive difference.D. External Audit Opportunities 1. Organic foods products are one of the fastest growing sectors in the United States with a projected value of $26. 3 billion by 2011. 2. Seasonal sales such as Halloween and Valentine's Day account for 10 percent of the annual sales in the industry. 3. Nestle's image, however, has suffered within the global community due to allegations about sourcing of cocoa from farms that employed children in Africa, as well as its marketing tactics used to promote its infant milk substitutes in developing nations. 4.Consumers are increasingly aware of the nutritional value of various product ingredients with purchase decisions reflecting a preference for organic and nonadulterated products. 5. Confectionery products include chocolate, gum, cereal bars, and sugar confectionery products with a projected global ma rket value of $107. 4 billion by 2010. 6. Chocolate currently accounts for 55. 8 percent of the market's overall global value. Threats 1. Mergers and acquisitions in the past few years have influenced both the market share and product portfolio of global firms in the confectionery industry. 2.Nestle, one of the global leaders in the industry, expanded its nutritional product with the acquisition of Jenny Craig, a company with an established brand of nutritional weight-management products. 3. Nestle recently entered the organic products segment with projected sales of $24 billion by 2010. 4. Due to increased consumer concerns about artificial ingredients, the company [Cadbury] also manufactures a line of products with no artificial colors or artificial flavorings under the Natural Confectionery Company. 5. Cadbury has a 71 percent market share in India, and enjoys a 53 percent market share in the chocolate category in Australia. . Due to increased consumer preference for low fat and organic products, Mars Nutrition and Health Well Being has also developed a line of low-fat products and healthy snacks. 7. Some research analysts expect that international wholesale sugar prices may reach 40 cents a pound. 8. Cocoa future contract prices in 2008 ranged from $0. 86 to $1. 50 per pound, which represented a significant increase from 2007 prices. CPM – Competitive Profile Matrix * Estimates for Hershey focused on similar product lines with Nestle, Cadbury and Mars The Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)Critical success factors| Weight| Hershey| Nestle| Cadbury| Mars| | | Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Global Expansion| 0. 2| 4| 0. 8| 4| 0. 8| 3| 0. 6| 3| 0. 6| Financial Position| 0. 10| 2| 0. 2| 4| 0. 4| 3| 0. 3| 2| 0. 2| Advertising ;amp;Marketing| 0. 15| 4| 0. 6| 2| 0. 3| 3| 0. 45| 3| 0. 45| Customer Loyalty| 0. 1| 2| 0. 2| 3| 0. 3| 3| 0. 3| 3| 0. 3| Market share| 0. 15| 3| 0. 45| 4| 0. 6| 4| 0. 6| 2| 0. 3| Product Quality| 0. 12| 4| 0. 36| 2| 0. 24| 3| 0. 36| 3| 0. 36| Price Competitiveness| 0. 10| 3| 0. 30| 3| 0. 30| 4| 0. 40| 3| 0. 0| Management| 0. 08| 2| 0. 16| 4| 0. 32| 2| 0. 16| 3| 0. 24| Total| 1. 0| 3. 07| 3. 26| 3. 17| 2. 75| The Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) show that weighted score of Hershey, Nestle, Cadbury and Mars. Nestle has got total weighted scores is 3. 26 which is highest score and Hershey is the third scores, less than Nestle and Cadbury. The CPM indicates that Hershey is the strongest in terms of Product Quality and Advertising ;amp;Marketing. This means if Hershey is to be competitive, it has to focus on global expansion and market share. The External Factor Evaluation (IFE) MatrixKEY INTERNAL FACTOR| WEIGHT| RATING| WEIGHTED SCORE| OPPORTUNITIES| | Organic foods products are one of the fastest growing sectors in the United States| 0. 1| 4| 0. 4| Seasonal sales account for 10 percent of the annual sales in the industry| 0. 05| 3| 0. 15| Nestle’s image has suffered from farms tha t employed children in Africa| 0. 04| 4| 0. 16| Consumers are increasingly aware of the nutritional value of various product| 0. 07| 3| 0. 21| Confectionery products projected global market value of $107. 4 billion by 2010| 0. 09| 4| 0. 36| Chocolate currently accounts for 55. percent of the market’s overall global value| 0. 08| 4| 0. 32| Sub-total for Opportunities| 1. 00| | 1. 60| THREAT| WEIGHT| RATING| WEIGHTED SCORE| Mergers and acquisitions have influenced both the both the market share and product portfolio of global firms| 0. 01| 3| 0. 3| Nestle expanded nutritional product| 0. 08| 2| 0. 16| Nestle entered the organic products segment| 0. 08| 2| 0. 16| Cadbury manufactures a line of products with no artificial colors or artificial flavorings| 0. 07| 3| 0. 21| Cadbury has a 71 percent market share in India, and enjoys a 53 percent market share in chocolate category inAustralia| 0. 06| 2| 0. 12| Mars Nutrition and Health Well Being has developed a line of low-fat produc ts and healthy snacks| 0. 07| 4| 0. 28| International wholesale sugar prices may reach 40 cents a pound| 0. 06| 4| 0. 24| Cocoa future contract prices in 2008 ranged from $0. 86 to $1. 50 per pound| 0. 05| 4| 0. 20| Sub-total for Threats| 1. 00| | 1. 67| Total| 1. 00| | 3. 27| The EFE matrix reveals that score for Opportunities versus score for Threats. Hershey’s total weighted scores is more than average which is at 3. 27.This indicates that Hershey is responding strongly above average to the existing opportunities and threats. In other words, the company’s current strategies are able to gain advantage of the existing opportunities and minimize the potential effects of external threats. E. Internal Audit Strengths 1. The Hershey and Godrej venture will distribute Hershey products via Godrej's distribution network to over 1. 6 million outlets in India. 2. Advertising expenses for the quarter increased by 46 percent as the company continued to promote iconic brands such as the Hershey Kiss and Reese's products. 3.The company relies on special promotions to increase holiday sales, and it also uses advertising programs to supplement seasonal sales. 4. During the past several years, the company has expanded its global presence through a variety of acquisitions and joint ventures with established firms in the international market. 5. Hershey also has special editions products that are themed with events, such as their Dark Knight Collection (milk chocolate peanut butter bats) created for the release of the movie Dark Knight. The company also encourages customers to personalize messages and gifts via its interactive home page. . Due to increased consumer preferences for healthy and organic products, the company portfolio of healthy snacks has expanded to include Payday Pro energy bars and sugar-free products such as Twizzlers. 7. Hershey, as well as other competitors in the industry, is acquiring nonchocolate products as well as nutritional products to complement its existing products. 8. Hershey products are sold to more than 2 million retail outlets, including wholesale distributors, chain grocery stores, convenience stores, and wholesale clubs as well as natural food stores. 9.Direct research on consumer preferences as well as process innovations are supported via the Hershey Center of Health and Nutrition developed in 2007. 10. Operating Profit Margin: 14%(2008) 15%(2009) Weaknesses 1. The company also plans to close their online gift business, which featured seasonal products and gifts that could be personalized by the consumer. 2. Due to global supply initiatives, the company projects a reduction of 1,500 positions over the next three-year period. 3. The company plans to discontinue their Cacao Reserve brand as well as their Starbucks chocolate partnership. 4.Hershey's iconic brands such as Hershey Bar, Hershey Kisses, and Reese's are instantly recognized within the domestic market. 5. The company’s long-term debt in creased from $1,279,965 in20O7 to 1,505,954 in 2008. The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix KEY INTERNAL FACTOR| WEIGHT| RATING| WEIGHTED SCORE| STRENGTHS| | The company will distribute Hershey products via Godrej’s distribution network in India| 0. 06| 3| 0. 18| Advertising expenses for promote iconic brands| 0. 09| 4| 0. 36| The company relies on special promotions| 0. 07| 3| 0. 21| The company has expanded its global presence| 0. 8| 3| 0. 24| Hershey has special editions products that are themed with events| 0. 06| 2| 0. 12| The company portfolio of healthy snacks has expanded to include Payday Pro energy bars and sugar-free products| 0. 08| 4| 0. 32| Acquiring nonchocolate and nutritional products| 0. 09| 4| 0. 36| Hershey products are sold to more than 2 million retail outlets| 0. 07| 3| 0. 21| Direct research on consumer preferences and process innovations are supported by the Hershey Center of Health and Nutrition developed| 0. 06| 3| 0. 18| Operating Profit Margi n: 14% (2008) 15% (2009)| 0. 6| 3| 0. 18| Sub-total for strengths| 1. 00| | 2. 36| WEAKNESSES| WEIGHT| RATING| WEIGHTED SCORE| The company plans to close their online gift business| 0. 06| 2| 0. 12| The company projects a reduction of 1,500 positions over the next three years| 0. 05| 2| 0. 12| The company plans to discontinue Cacao Reserve brand Starbucks chocolate partnership| 0. 06| 3| 0. 18| Hershey’s iconic brands are instantly recognized within the domestic market. | 0. 06| 3| 0. 18| The company’s long-term debt increased| 0. 05| 2| 0. 10| Sub-total for weaknesses| 1. 00| | 0. 68| Total| 1. 00| | 3. 4| Based on the IFE evaluation shows that score for Strengths versus score for Weaknesses. Total weighted scores for Hershey is 3. 04 considered as above average which is indicates that the company’s internal position is strong. Financial Ratio Analysis (2008) Growth Rates % (5-Year Annual Avg. )| ABC Company| Sales | 16. 22%| Net Income (5-Year Annual Avg. )| 4 5. 81%| Dividends (5-Year Annual Avg. )| 41. 27%| Profit Margins| | Gross Margin| 34%| Pre-Tax Margin| 11%| Net Profit Margin| 6%| 5Yr Net Profit Margin (5-Year Avg. )| 8. 97%| Financial Condition| | Debt/Equity Ratio| 10. 42|Current Ratio| 1. 06| Quick Ratio| 0. 59| Investment Returns %| | Return On Equity| 98%| Return On Assets| 9%| Return On Equity (5-Year Avg. )| 62. 95%| Return On Assets (5-Year Avg. )| 10. 72%| Management Efficiency| | Income/Employee| 24. 33| Revenue/Employee| 400. 99| Inventory Turnover| 8. 66| Asset Turnover| 1. 41| NET WORTH ANALYSIS OF AVP (2008 IN MILLION)| | | | | | | | | | Growth ratios:| Growth rate = [(current year – base year) / base year] * 100| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Percentage| | | 2009 Growth rate in sales| | 3. 23| | | 2008| | | | | 3. 76| | | 2007| | | | | 0. 5| | | 2008 Growth rate in net income| | | 45. 41| | Stockholders' Equity + Goodwill  | $ 872,876| Net Income * 5|   |   |   | $ 1,557,025| Share price * Net Income| 34. 74 * 311,405 = 10,818,210| Number of Shares Outstanding * Share Price| 227,035 * 34. 74 = 7,887,196| Method Average|   |   |   | 5,283,826. 70| FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The financial analysis for Hershey will be provided giving by liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, activity ratios, and profitability ratios as following. PROFITABILITY RATIOS From an accounting standpoint, profitability is defined as business gain in an activity.The measures used in this section detail how profitable the firm’s operations are and how well the firm generates a return on capital. The ratios for profitability analysis are return on assets, sales margin, return on equity, and the dividend payout ratio. Return on Assets: Return on assets (ROA) measures a company’s efficiency in generating profits from its available assets. This is calculated by dividing net income by total assets. An increasing ratio indicates higher efficiency. Hershey’s ROA improved from 5% in 2007 to 9% in 2008 indicating that Hershey became more efficient over the 2008 fiscal year.Return on Equity: The return on equity (ROE) is a measure of how well a company is able to return a profit using the shareholder’s investment. It is calculated by dividing net income by the shareholder’s equity. A higher number indicates a better return from shareholder’s investments. Hershey’s return on equity improved from 36% in 2007 to 98% in 2008, indicating a higher efficiency and better return from shareholder’s investment. Improvements were noted between 2007 and 2008 for Hershey’s ROA, ROE, Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, Net Profit Margin and Earning Per Share were increased proportionally.LIQUIDITY RATIOS A company’s liquidity can be described by how easily a company can pay off short-term debts, in specific those due in the fiscal year. Current Ratio: The current ratio gives a strong measure of a company’s liquidity. It compares t he cash and cash equivalents plus any current assets that will be turned into cash within a year to current liabilities that must be paid within the year. This ratio indicates how well a company can pay its current debts. It is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Hershey’s current ratio improved from 0. 8 in 2007 to 1. 06 in 2008. Although this is an improvement, a ratio of 1 or better is desired in order to show the ability to pay of all current debts with current assets. Quick Ratio: The quick ratio is similar to the current ratio. Instead of using all current assets, the quick ratio only uses cash, market securities, and accounts receivables to compare against current liabilities. This is done to further narrow the assets to those that can more quickly be turn into cash. Hershey’s quick ratio improved from 0. 51 to 0. 59.Although an improvement can be seen, a more desirable ratio would be closer to 1 so that debts could be paid with current cash and cash equivalents. All measures of liquidity showed improvements for Hershey between 2007 and 2008. This is largely due to Hershey’s ability to generate a greater amount of operational cash flows between the two years. The improvement in current ratio and quick ratio shows an improved ability to pay off short term debts with current assets, which is also indicative that future payments of the long term debt will be possible. ACTIVITY RATIOSActivity in a firm is typically categorized as creation of product and moving product out the door for sales. Activity measures focus on these actions and evaluate how a firm uses its assets to generate revenues. If a company is able to utilize its assets efficiently, fewer funds from financing are needed. The ratios analyzed in this section are inventory turnover and asset turnover. Asset Turnover: Asset turnover takes an overall focus on how the company uses all of its assets to generate revenues. A higher number is desired becau se it indicates that each dollar of asset is producing a greater amount of revenue.It is calculated by dividing the company’s revenue by the total amount of assets for the current year. Hershey’s asset turnover ratio improved from 1. 16 in 2007 to 1. 41 in 2008. This shows that Hershey’s was more efficient in using its assets between evaluation periods. Inventory Turnover: Inventory turnover is a measure of how often within a year that inventory is sold and replaced. It is calculated by dividing cost of goods sold by inventory. A high ratio indicates efficiency and a high rate of sales. Hershey’s inventory turnover slightly improved from 8. 24 in 2007 to 8. 6 in 2008. Improvements were seen in inventory and asset turnover ratios. Hershey’s assets decreased in value while revenues increased, resulting in a more efficient use of assets. LEVERAGE RATIOS A company’s leverage defines how a company handles its debt. Companies that have a high leve rage can have difficulty paying back debts, securing new debts from creditors, and are usually higher risk. But, these companies can also attain tax advantages and gain large returns from investing. The ratios analyzed in this section include the debt ratio, debt to equity ratio and imes interest earned ratio. Debt Ratio: The debt ratio indicates how much debt a company has relative to its assets. This ratio is calculated by dividing total liabilities by total assets. This ratio is one of the components typically used by investors to determine the risk level of a company. A lower number is favored because it shows the company has a larger percentage of assets when compared to liabilities. Hershey’s debt ratio increased and deteriorated from 0. 762 in 2005 to 0. 836 in 2006. This is due to a decrease in company assets while liabilities increased.The increase in liabilities can be noted most in the long-term liabilities. This adds risk to Hershey’s from an investment sta ndpoint. Debt to Equity Ratio: The debt to equity ratio is a measure of what proportions of debt and equity are used in its financing. It is also a measure of a company’s financial leverage. The ratio is calculated by dividing total liabilities by stockholder’s equity. A lower number is favored because it indicates a higher amount of shareholder’s equity when compared to liabilities. Hershey’s debt to equity ratio increased and deteriorated from 6. 16 in 2007 to 10. 2 in 2008. This is largely a result in Hershey’s large decrease in shareholder’s equity. Times Interest Earned Ratio: The times interest earned ratio gives shows how well a company is able to pay its interest expenses with earnings before taxes. The number represents how many times over the interest expense can be paid with the earnings before interest. A higher number is favored. The ratio is calculated by dividing earning before interest and taxes (EBIT) by net interest expense . The times interest earned ratio for Hershey’s increase from 3. 87 in 2007 to 6. 03 in 2008.Hershey achieved many improvements in their financial ratios. Between 2005 and 2006, Hershey showed improvements in many areas. Their overall profitability improved. Liquidity also improved in all areas. This can be attributed to their ability to generate a greater amount of operational cash flows. Because of their increased liquidity, Hershey shows that they are in a better position to pay off their debts and is able to distribute their earnings to stockholders more readily. G. SPACE Matrix 2. 44, -1. 06 2. 44, -1. 06 6 5 4 3 2 1 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 CompetitiveIS ES CA FS Conservative Aggressive Defensive X 6 5 4 3 2 1 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 Competitive IS ES CA FS Conservative Aggressive Defensive X Financial Position (FP) Return on Investment ROE, ROA+4 Leverage+2 Earning Per Share+5 Inventory+3 Liquidity+4 Subtotal (FP) +18 Indu stry Position (IP) Growth potential+6 Extent leverage+5 Profit potent+5 Productivity+4 Subtotal (IP) +20 Competitive Position (CP) Market share -5 Product quality -1 Control over suppliers and distributers-2 Subtotal (CP) -8 Stability Position (SP) Barriers to entry into market-4Demand variability-6 Competitive pressure-6 Subtotal (SP) -14 x-axis = -2. 66 + 5= 2. 44 y-axis = -4. 66+ 3. 6= -1. 06 Based on this formula, it shows that The Hershey company x-axis is 2. 44 and y-axis is -1. 06. Therefore firm’s directional vector is located in the lower-right or competitive quadrant of the SPACE Matrix. In other word, The company has competitive advantages in a growing industry, The Hershey should pursue competitive strategies which include; backward, forward and horizontal integration; market penetration; market development and product evelopment. H. Grand Strategy Matrix Quadrant IV business have a strong competitive position but are in a slow-growth industry. Hershey has the str ength to launch diversified into more promising growth area such as India and China. The company also has characteristically high cash-flow levels and limited internal growth need as the result of 86% market share in America. I. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix BCG is a private management consulting firm base in Boston. The purpose of BCG Matrix is graphically shows the company’s position in terms of relative market share and industry growth.Hershey is in the Star quadrant because Hershey is leading in terms of market share in America and the growth rate sale is higher than zero for several years. As the result, the Star quadrant indicates that Hershey has good long-run opportunities for growth and profitability. To maintain this position Hershey need a substantial investment especially in global market and to strengthen its dominant position. Strategies that is best for Hershey includes market penetration, market development, product development, and forward, backward an d horizontal integration. J.The Internal-External (IE) Matrix | | | The IFE Total Weighted Score| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Strong| Average| Weak| | | | | | 3. 0 to 4. 0| 2. 0 to 2. 99| 1. 0 to 1. 99| | | | | High| IFE = 3. 04 IFE = 3. 04 I| II| III| | | | | EFE = 3. 27 EFE = 3. 27 3. 0 to 3. 99| | | | | | | | Medium| IV| V| VI| | | The EFE Total Weighted Score| 2. 0 to 2. 99| | | | | | | | Low| VII| VIII| IX| | | | | 1. 0 to 1. 99| | | | | | Key: | Grow and build| | Hold and maintain| | Harvest or diverstiture|The Internal – External (IE) Matrix The IE matrix is based on two key dimensions such as the IFE total weighted score and the EFE total weighted score. The total weighted scores allow construction of the corporate-level IE Matrix. The result from IE Matrix states that Hershey Company is appropriate for division 1 or can be described as grow and build. The most appropriate strategies for this division can be intensive market penetration, market development, and product development or company can also consider intensive backward integration, forward integration and horizontal integration.Based on the interpretation, suggest two best alternatives that the company could pursuit, then perform QSPM matrix. K. QSPM Strategic Alternatives| Key Internal Factors Weight| Alternative 1: Global Expansion| Alternative 2: Develop Organic Products| Strengths| AS | TAS| AS| TAS| 1. Distribute Hershey products via Godrej’s distribution network in India| 0. 06| 4| 0. 24| 2| 0. 18| 2. Advertising expenses for promote iconic brands. | 0. 09| 4| 0. 36| 3| 0. 27| 3. Relies on special promotions| 0. 07| 3| 0. 21| 2| 0. 14| 4.The company has expanded its global presence. | 0. 08| 4| 0. 32| 2| 0. 12| 5. Hershey has special editions product that are themed with events. | 0. 06| -| -| -| -| 6. The company portfolio of healthy snacks has expanded| 0. 08| 2| 0. 16| 4| 0. 32| 7. Acquiring non-chocolate and nutritional products| 0. 09| 2| 0. 18| 4| 0. 36| 8. Products are sold to more than 2 million retail outlets. | 0. 07| -| -| -| -| 9. Hershey Centre of Health supported research on consumer preferences and process innovations. | 0. 06| 2| 0. 12| 3| 0. 18| 10. Operating profit Margin: 14% (2008) 15% (2009)| 0. 6| -| -| -| -| Weaknesses| 1. Plans to close online gift business. | 0. 06| 3| 0. 18| 1| 0. 06| 2. The company projects a reduction of 1,500 positions. | 0. 05| 2| 0. 10| 1| 0. 05| 3. Plans to discontinue Cocao Reserve brand Starbucks chocolate partnership. | 0. 06| 3| 0. 18| 1| 0. 06| 4. Hershey’s iconic brands are instantly recognized within the domestic market| 0. 06| -| -| -| -| 5. The company’s long-term debt increased| 0. 05| -| -| -| -| SUBTOTAL| 1. 00| | 2. 05| | 1. 74| | Global Expansion| Develop Organic Products| Opportunities| AS| TAS| AS| TAS| 1.Organic foods products are the fastest growing sectors. | 0. 10| 1| 0. 10| 4| 0. 40| 2. Seasonal sales account for 10%| 0. 05| -| -| -| -| 3. Nestle’s image has suffe red. | 0. 04| 3| 0. 12| 2| 0. 08| 4. Consumers are increasingly aware of the nutritional value. | 0. 07| 3| 0. 21| 4| 0. 28| 5. Confectionery products projected global market value of $107. 4 billion by 2010| 0. 09| 3 | 0. 27| 2| 0. 18| 6. Chocolate currently accounts for 55. 8% of the market’s overall global value. | 0. 08| -| -| -| -| Threats| 1. Mergers and acquisitions have influenced both the market share. 0. 01| 4| 0. 04| 2| 0. 02| 2. Nestle expanded nutritional product. | 0. 08| 3| 0. 24| 4| 0. 32| 3. Nestle entered the organic product segment. | 0. 08| 3| 0. 24| 4| 0. 32| 4. Cadbury manufactures a line of products with no artificial colors or flavorings| 0. 07| 1| 0. 07| 2| 0. 14| 5. Cadbury has a 71% market share in India, and 53% Australia. | 0. 06| 3| 0. 18| 2| 0. 12| 6. Mars Nutrition and Health Well being has developed low-fat and healthy snacks| 0. 07| 2| 0. 14| 3| 0. 21| 7. International wholesale sugar prices may reach 40 cent a pound| 0. 06| -| -| -| -| 8.Coc oa future contract prices in 2008 ranged from $ 0. 86 to $1. 50 per pound| 0. 05| -| -| -| -| SUBTOTAL| | | 1. 57| | 2. 07| SUM TOTAL ATTRACTIVENESS SCORE| | | 3. 66| | 3. 81| As the result of QSPM, we consider two alternative strategies As following:a) Global expansion b) Develop organic products The sum total attractive scores are 3. 66 and 3. 87. The analysis indicates that Hershey should develop organic products. L. Recommendations From the evaluations of the company’s conditions, performance, and the analysis provided from SWOT matrix, IFE-EFE matrix, and Grand strategy matrix.We recommend three specific strategies as following: 1) Expand to global market Hershey has recently market share 86% in America and it is well known in America as the chocolate maker since 1906. On the other hand, In the global market, Hershey is the third rang next to Nestle and Cadbery. Hershey needs to continue to focus on the global market. Hershey currently has a limited presence in many area s of the world. However, compare to the actual plan strategies of the company, they have begun to expand into new areas such as China and India. We are suggesting the new organization structure to Hershey Food Corporation.In this structure, we have suggested continental president, which will help to complete globally or to increase the market share globally because they will have the experience of the particular continents and they will work according to market conditions. The Hershey Company needs to go international advertisement to promote the product as well as they have to find out the new channels of distribution and adopt the new channels to increase the sales. For the cost of expand to global market, the company must spend more in terms of marketing that amount is indicated in the projected income statement. ) Continue chocolate partnership with coffee store, and online gift business Hershey should continue to provide new chocolate flavored coffee product in supermarkets and coffee stores. This allows Hershey to market to new segment, more consumers , and participate in new trends. Besides, Hershey should continue online gift business to get the new channel to increase the sales as well as to provide the seasonal products and the gifts that could be personalized by the consumer. 3) Develop organic product People have become much more aware of the various factors that negatively affect their health.Chocolate and other candy are viewed as an unhealthy snack. Organic food products are one of the fastest growing sectors. Therefore, Hershey needs to continue to expand the market healthy products in order to gain a greater market share. If Hershey continues to market the products they already have in categories and continues to develop new products that address the healthy to the public, then their revenues will increase throughout the years as the projected income statement as following. Projected financial statementsProjected The Hershey company Statements of Income| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In thousands of dollars except| For the year ended December 31| 2008| 2009| 2010| 2011| | | | | | | | | | Net Sales| 5,132,768| 5,298,668| 5,671,009| 6,238,110| Costs and Expenses 😠 | | | | | | | | | | | | Cost of sales| | 3,375,050| 3,245,531| 3,255,801| 3,402,798| | | | | | | | Selling, marketing and administrative| 1,073,019| 1,208,672| 1,426,477| 1,511,119| | | | | | | | | Business realignment and | | 94,801| 82,875| 83,433| 90,080| | impairment charges, net| | | | | | | | | | Total costs and expenses| 4,542,870| 4,537,078| 4,765,711| 5,003,997| | | | | | | | | | Income before Interest and Income Taxes| 589,898| 761,590| 905,298| 1,234,113| | Interest expenses, net| | 97,876| 90,459| 96,434| 111,070| | | | | | | | | | Income before Income Taxes| | 492,022| 671,131| 808,864| 1,123,043| | Provision for income taxes| | 180,617| 235,137| 299,065| 393,065| | | | | | | | | | Net Income| 311,405| 435,994| 509,799| 729,978| Projected The He rshey Company's Balance Sheet| | | | | | | | | | all numbers in thousands)| | Period Ending| 2008| 2009| 2010| 2011| | | | | | | | | | | Total Asset| | | 3,634,719| 3,675,031| 4,272,732| 4,913,642| Short term debt| | | 501,504| 39,313| 285,480| 157,014| Long term debt| | | 1,505,945| 1,502,730| 1,541,825| 1,418,479| Stockholders' Equity| | | 318,199| 760,339| 937,601| 1,021,985| M. Evaluation of the recommendations based on Islamic perspective Islamic perspective As we know, Hershey produces good quality of chocolate and Chocolate is made from plants, which means it contains many of the health benefits of dark chocolate.These benefits are from flavonoids , which act as antioxidants. Moreover, the other benefit that we are able to gain from chocolate such as Lower Blood Pressure, Lower Cholesterol, endorphin production and so on. Allah orders us to consume good thing and try to avoid the meal that it will damage our bodies. As Allah said: Messengers! eat of the good thing s and do good; surely i know what you do Chapter: 23 , Verse: 51 eat of the lawful and good things with which allah has provided you and be thankful for the favors of allah if it is he you worship Chapter: 16 , Verse: 114 Moreover, Hershey produce halal product to consumer. The ingredients that are utilized to produce chocolate are not the ingredient that Allah forbidden as said in Quran. He has only forbidden you what dies of itself and blood and flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is forgiving, merciful Chapter: 16 , Verse: 115 Hershey also has policy to maintain and concern about environment. It was one of the companies who are in World cocoa Foundation which support environmental project. This project includes non-chemical pest management practice and encourage sustainable farming practice to support ecosy stem in the region.Allah does not love people who harm environment as said in Quran ? â€Å"Seek not mischief in the land, for Allah loves not those who do mischief. † (Quran 28:77) According to scientists and philosophers, man is considered as the major factor in disturbing the natural balance of the universe. Man interferes intentionally or unintentionally in the earth's ecosystems by impairing its perfect order and precise sequence. However, it seems that man has cut off his nose to spite his face and he now is the victim. Grave dangers are anifested in pollution of the air, water, soil, outer space and others, as well as the irrational exploitation of the environment's resources, and inconsistent distribution of human settlements. All these factors have lead to different problems, all of which are marked by a disturbance to the earth's natural balance. If companies or industries exploit or use up natural materials and environment, all damage will revert back to them. As promised Quran. Mischief has appeared on the land and sea, because of (the need) that the hands of man have earned, that (Allah) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from evil). †Ã‚  (Quran 30:41) REFFERENCES About Hershey. Retrieved on 02/02/12. From: http://www. thehersheycompany. com/about-hershey. aspx â€Å"Chocolate is good for you. † Chocolate Trading Co. July 13th, 2005 November 1st, 2007. Financial Report. Retrieved on 02/02/12. From: http://www. thehersheycompany. com/ investors/financial-reports. aspx. Fred R. David, â€Å"Strategic Management: Concept and Cases, Hershey Company—2009† 13th Edn.Page 111-119. Pearson Education, 2011 Halal and Haram Foods according to Quran. Retrieved on 02/02/12. From: http://www. parsquran. com/eng/subject/halal. htm Karem S. Ghoneim (Prof. ), Quran Recitations : The Quran and the Environment . Retrieved on 02/02/12. From: http://www. whyquran. co m/877/content/blogsection/0/98/9/18/ Mark Stibich, Health Benefits of  Chocolate. Retrieved on 02/02/12. From: http://longevity. about. com/od/lifelongnutrition/p/chocolate. htm Organization’s key Competitors. Retrieved on 02/02/12. From: www. foodproductiondaily-usa. com |

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Solar renewable energy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Solar renewable energy - Research Paper Example Solar energy is the energy that comes from the sun in the solar radiation form which is used in heating or generation of electricity. To generate electricity using solar powered electricity generation system, one requires using photovoltaic or heat engines known as concentrated solar power. Some of the most common solar applications include solar cooling using solar architecture, lighting, heating of the space, solar cooking, high temperature industrial process heating and solar water heating application among others. There exists a broader solar technology classification into active and passive solar which depends on how they are captured. The practice that uses photovoltaic panels and thermal collectors to harness the solar energy is referred to as active technique while the technique that orientates the building to the sun, selects materials that possess good thermal mass or favorable light dispersing properties and design light pathways that circulates air naturally, is known as a passive technique.By the year 2100, the world population will be in excess of twelve billion people. This will push subsequently push the world’s energy requirement to be five times the current demand if the technological progress and innovation keep up with its current trend. If the current rate with which we utilize coal, gas and oil continues, the global temperature will increase by two degrees Celsius by 2020. This will cause adverse effects such as increased flooding in the lowland areas., desertification and climate change all over the world. While it is known for a fact that renewable energy contributes to only 11% of our primary energy consumption in the world today, and we really want to do something to save our planet, then this renewable energy must form part of our daily energy consumption. We are highly expecting that by 2070, 60% of our energy will come from renewable energy. We need to employ the attitude that today is better than tomorrow and the sooner we d o that, the better to raise this figure by 20% so as to reach 80% by2070. According to one of the World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) journals, several bodies including the World Solar Summit, the World Bank and the World Solar Decade have come up in support of the projects dealing with the renewable energy and the environment conservation which can be seen by their recent over four billion dollar allocations towards the same. This can clearly show how important renewable energy is viewed from the face of the world as the new source of power for the future. This research therefore tries to discover the merits and demerits of the renewable energy and especially solar energy, the fundamental principles of renewable energy, how we try to apply science and technology in our efforts to conserve the environment as well as how we can carry out solar water heating in our efforts to go to renewable energy. Solar renewable energy (Fundamental principles of renewable energy) From the definitions of renewable and non-renewable energies, the fundamental differences can be pinpointed. Consequently, there must be a correct application of certain principles for

Friday, September 27, 2019

Balance score card Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Balance score card - Essay Example Gradually Invest on New Equipments with the Help of a Financer and the Commune. The Mayor could help out in financial matters since both have the same goal on providing the local community with the access to health care services as well as in maintaining the employment of ABC Hospital stakeholders. The Mayor has the power to grant the hospital some money to buy the needed equipments and facilities and lessen the tax collection from the organization. Establish a Strict Guidelines and Random Checking on the Quality of Products & Services that are Currently Outsourced. This will enable the hospital to acquire the best quality products and services at lower costs. It is not wise to reduce the cost by allowing the quality of food being served to the patients to suffer. Encourage Expansion and Investment on Equipments for the Rehabilitation Ward. Allowing further development and investments on specific wards that has a big market potential could minimize opportunity loss. Transferring some beds from the less active wards into a bigger rehabilitation ward will encourage maximizing the use of existing equipments. Reallocation of available resources is important because of the limited funds. Maximize Economies of Scale on Existing Wards. This strategy will help keep down the operational costs. By carefully analyzing and studying the demand for each ward in the hospital, the management could easily decide on whether to expand or cut down the size of each ward. In line with restructuring the size of wards, the number of nurses and doctors should be assigned according to the demand in each ward. Re-establish the Customers’ Confidence on the ABC Hospital. With the use of the media and church, it would be easier for the organization to re-establish the name and reputation of the hospital as the best in delivering quality services to the community. Using the media and advertisements to announce the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Solution of the Problems in the Daily Routine Essay

Solution of the Problems in the Daily Routine - Essay Example However, I have been able to come up with my own solution. I shall describe the solution later, but first I shall describe the solutions that others offered to me. I was told that I should be determined about getting rid of my habit of clumsiness. If I decide once and for all, that I have to be active, that is all. But, I have tried so many times to use this solution, but all in vain. I have been telling myself every time that I will be more determined the next day, but the next day never came that made me determined to be active. I have been told to take part in healthy activities so that I do not get time to be lazy at all. That was also not useful since my laziness kept me from indulging in any sports or any other healthy activity. My health has also been declining due to my laziness to go into the kitchen and eat something healthy. I have been relying on readymade junk food due to my laziness of not willing to cook something for me, or even ask mom to cook something special. All I have wanted is to lie down with a packet of popcorns and watch movies till late at night. I am really sick of myself, and also sick of the solutions that others have to offer. Hence, I decided to come up with my own solution. I have tried this one, and have come up with fruitful results. I have come up with the solution of positive reinforcement.  I studied somewhere that if you give someone a reward after he does a good task, this makes him willing to do that task more and more, and with more energy. This strategy evokes motivation and determination, more than anything else. So, I decided to make up a to-do list for every coming day, with a reward at the end of the list, which meant that if I was able to complete all to-dos mentioned in the list for the next day, then I would give myself a reward, like going for a leisure walk for an hour with my best friend, or I would lie down and watch the latest Twilight series with my friends, or I would sleep till late morning the next da y.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Introduction to Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction to Philosophy - Essay Example He continues to argue that this method is sufficient to proof the doubt within a concept. This argument contradicts with Kant’s notion of existence of things. According to Kant, a thing is understandable and definable. Separation of rationality and existence of things in the spatial world is the only existing proof of things. Descartes’ method of self-consciousness indicates that the existence of an individual is equivalents to the things that the individual recognize their existence. Existence and non-existence of things introduce the subject of doubt in the argument. Kant considers this argument as illogical and full of doubt. Kant argues that the reasoning behind Descartes’ thoughts does not account for thinking and imagination. He continues to argue that doubting one’s existence is an indication of self-consciousness and, therefore the theory of things and self-consciousness lacks a basis. Descartes views on consciousness emphasis that our sensory perc eption is our mind. Desecrate explained this idea through his famous classical wax model. This model tried to explain that wax has distinct size, smell, shape texture, and color among other properties. He argued that through our sensory perception we are able to describe the wax from simple analysis and experimentations. Desecrate believed that our sensory perception and deductive mind is the basis of enquiry on the nature of objects and their existence. However, according to Descartes this observation had no any philosophical background. Descartes argued that our sensory perception does not give certainty on existence of things. Descartes’ ideology uses the existence of a thing to introduce the awareness and existence of material world in our mind. Things and their existence in the physical world would remain the same in our minds even without our sensory perception. This perception explains Descartes’ belief of body and mind dualism. Generally, Descartes’ desc ription of the world implies that that the existence of thing in the real world is similar to their existence in the thinking world (Meiklejohn, 1787). Descartes argued that this ideology was not philosophical. Descartes’ argument was based on problems resulting from the ideology. His argument was also constructed from common problem that the ideology could not explain. Descartes argued that the priori and posteriori truths in the ideology were insufficient to support the metaphysic claim in the ideology. Kant also stated that the argument could only be understood if, a person distinguishes artificial from analytical truths. The concept of occupying space is an analytical truth since the predicate is contained within the subject. The artificial truth in this claim however, lacks a predicate. Kant’ argument implied that Descartes’ ideology was based on synthetic truths since it had no any analytical proof. I consider Kant’s argument on existence to be more logical than Descartes’ arguments. 2. Elaborate upon Hume’s distinction between an impression and an idea. What would he say about the idea of God or the immortal soul? Do you think that Hume’s impression/idea distinction is useful as a basis for epistemology? Provide a brief outline of your own epistemology or theory of knowledge. In his book the Treaties, Hume tries to distinguish between impression and ideas through his theories. According to the theories, the content of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

HRM - Essay Example Both organizations are based in Yorkshire and provide financial services. In order to recruit the right workforce, both organizations are in direct competition with each other. For this purpose, both of them recruit graduates for their trainee programs. In order to place them on management or professional posts, both organizations have training programs. For the recruitment of graduates, both Goldstan and Hodell use visits and advertisements within universities in Yorkshire. Whereas, Goldstan further utilizes local newspapers and recruitment consultants in this regard, while Hodell utilizes professional journals and it also takes help from advertising. The Goldstan asks it applicants to submit the application form that is filled in by hand, not type written or printed. On the contrary, Hodell has adopted a very catchy technique to attract the graduates since the 1970’s. The company provides brochures to graduates that talk about the advantages of working with the organization and the prestige of the company. It requires Curriculum Vitae of the candidate with a covering letter. The selection process at Goldstan undergoes a single panel interview. The Head of the Department or Human Resource Manager conducts the interview where the recruit is required. The interviewee is asked to give a fifteen minutes presentation on a specific issue following the interview. If the candidate is found satisfactory with his performance and capabilities, then the employment offers are made. On the other hand, Hodell holds two interviews with the candidates. The first interview is conducted by the Human Resource Manager while the second one is conducted by the Head of the Department or with the senior employee / staff member of the department where the vacancy is available. Following successful interviews, the candidate is then supposed to complete personality and intelligence tests. Once the candidate passes these

Monday, September 23, 2019

Short answer question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short answer question - Essay Example Blood test is the most reliable test during the earliest stages of pregnancy. Blood tests reveal pregnancy hormones in the blood stream such as the chorionic gonadotrophin. Urine test can also be conducted at home with high accuracy of the instructions (Choi 2010). False labor is characterized by irregular contractions from as early as four months of pregnancy while true labor is characterized by regular contractions that do not stop despite movement r change of position. This is assessment employed by professionals to determine whether the newborn is safe enough to survive the outside environment without further medical assistance. The score is determined after consideration of several factors such as the heart rate, skin color, respiratory effort, and reflex irritability., (2015).  Painful intercourse (dyspareunia) Definition - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2015]., (2015).  SparkNotes: SAT Subject Test: Biology: Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2015]. Wade, J. (2012).  False Labor - American Pregnancy Association. [online] American Pregnancy Association. Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Applied Ethics in Criminal Justice Management Research Paper

Applied Ethics in Criminal Justice Management - Research Paper Example Ethical questions and issues within the criminal justice system have become very popular. What is right and wrong, good or bad within the criminal justice system is an issue that needs to be demystified by studying and analyzing the criminal justice system. It is important for all stakeholders in the criminal justice system to be informed about issues of ethics so that high ethical standards can be maintained within the system. Criminal justice ethics is a pertinent issue in the leadership, supervision and management of the criminal justice system (Aldam, 2002). Any system or organization needs to be guided by certain ethical principles within that system, the criminal justice system being no exception. This is one sure way that can make the system effective and efficient in its functions and operations (Savelsberg, Lara & Cleveland, 2004). All the stakeholders and key player within the criminal justice system need to be made to understand ethical principles within the system and the value of ethics to the criminal justice system (Neocleous, 2004). These key stakeholders and player in the criminal justice system include the lawyers, judges, the police, investigators, parole and probation officer, correction officers, court officers, line officers and any other administrative personnel required to run the criminal justice system (Maguire, Rod & Robert, 2002). All these personnel, key player and stakeholders must be well versed in all the security, police and disaster or emergency procedures so as to help in upholding and maintaining the ethical standards required of the system (Fuller, 2005). The manager, supervisors and leaders of the criminal justice system must also be well trained in the administration of the criminal justice system so that they can effectively lead the other players towards achieving the common goals of the system

Saturday, September 21, 2019

African-American Lynch Mob Essay Example for Free

African-American Lynch Mob Essay Author David Horowitz has written an article called African-American Lynch Mob. In the article Mr. Horowitz is expressing his frustration with the way African –American civil rights leaders, namely Reverend Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are inciting a lynch mob mentality in regards to the death of Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin, who was a 17 year old African-American male, was shot to death by George Zimmerman who happens to be Hispanic. Mr. Horowitz believes that the lynch mob racist, Reverend Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are leading the way for the African-American community to insinuate that George Zimmerman is a racist without any facts. First I take issue with Mr. Horowitz fallacy calling Reverend Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton racist. Is it racist for an individual or group to stand up and fight against inequality and injustices? For many decades Reverend Jackson and Reverend Sharpton have helped those African-Americans who could not help themselves when the odds were stacked against them; providing a strong voice for the law and lawmakers to listen to, when the voices of the African-American citizens were not heard. Doing this does not make one a racist. As mentioned previously, Mr. Horowitz states that Mr. Zimmerman is being labeled a racist without any facts; this is a fallacy and not exactly true. Recently audio has been discovered that has Mr. Zimmerman’s making racial slurs, along with eyewitnesses stating that they personally heard him making racial slurs. The impending investigation will prove whether Mr. Zimmerman is a racist or not; however even in this early stage, investigator will have enough reasons to not rule out the cause of death by race crime. Mr. Horowitz belief that the evidence is irrelevant to the so call lynch mob is unfounded. The African-American protesters are only protesting because they believe there is enough evidence to warrant an arrest of Mr. Zimmerman. However, instead of being arrest Mr. Zimmerman is walking free. Mr. Horowitz calls the display of racial outrage over this case a national disgrace, and I disagree with that statement. The display of racial outrage over this case is not a national disgrace; the fact that African-Americans still have to protest because of injustice is a national disgrace. As I concluded the article it was pretty evident that Mr. Horowitz view point was a bit slighted. It seems to me that the views he has taken are based on his dislike for Reverend Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and their way of obtaining justice for those who they lead and represent. Mr. Horowitz dislike for both of the reverends probably goes a long way back, and because of this, any point that he makes in regards to these two reverends should be taken with a grain of salt.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Modern Method Of Construction And Proposed Hotel Project Construction Essay

Modern Method Of Construction And Proposed Hotel Project Construction Essay Basically, this report contains two tasks starts with an introduction giving a background of the modern method of construction (MMC) and reflecting the aim and objectives of the Project. One part of the report involved: Review the history and development of modern method of construction Sustainable development and construction The improvement of construction performance by the MMC The justifications from part-1 are: There were numerous changes came to the construction industry after the MMC. MMC gives a wide range of benefits to construction industry The second part of report involved: The outline introduction of proposed hotel Comparison between the traditional and modern method of construction Conclusion with the case study The justifications from the part-2 are: To build a proposed hotel in Wolverhampton MMC is a better preferred method rather than going for a traditional method. This MMC gives better quality building with less onsite labour in a minimum time. Finally there would be conclusions on each section. In addition, the report consist content pages, references and Bibliography. Nothing can be accomplished without hard work so as a report on your hands, hence I really hope that the work I have done in this report will be a considerable work. INTRODUCTION Its true to say that there are many types of non-traditional method of construction in the UK than any other country in the world and also numerical types has been growing. Talking about modern method of construction, its all are better products and processes. By using this MMC, building developers aim to improve business efficiency, quality of building, buyers satisfaction, the performance of environmental, the sustainability time scale, delivery of time, etc. These Modern methods of construction could provide better quality building with less onsite labour in a minimum time. This report mainly talking about the method of MMC and their development in the UK construction industry compared with traditional construction. Furthermore the selections of method for specific proposed hotel which will be build in city centre of Wolverhampton. TASK01: Review the history and development of modern method of construction Introduction to MMC The MMC can be defined as those which give an efficient product management process to provide more products of good quality in a minimum time. It has been defined in a many ways which are pre-fabrication, off-site production and off-site manufacturing. The MMC can be classified for five categories Off site manufacture volumetric There are three dimensional methods produced in the factory, condition prior to transport to site. In this method the dwelling is pre fabricated at off- site then which are assembled on site. Off-site manufacture panellised The flat panel prepared at off- site then assembled on site to make a three dimensional structure. Services, windows, doors, internal finishes and external cladding may also be incorporated. Off-site manufactured-hybrid This method referred to semi-volumetric which are mixed with both volumetric and panellised approach. Off-site manufactured sub-assemblies and components Large element that can be included into both conventionally built or MMC dwelling. Non-site manufacture Using new ideas method of construction used on-site and use of element in an new ideas such as floor or roof cassettes, pre-cast concrete foundation building up, thin jointed blocks, etc. The history of MMC The United Kingdoms construction industry developed strong growth in recent years. UK construction industry is a trend setting construction industry well none for worldwide construction expertises. Approximately one and half million people employed in the construction industry and over 160,000 firms. UK construction industry growing with the infrastructure and the commercial construction sectors at the forefront of this trend. Ralph Morton. (2002) states the new forms of construction developed in response to new forms of demand and they transformed the face of Britain. In 1801 no town in Britain, with the exception of London, had a population of more than 100,000 people. Fifty years later there had been a vast increase in the area of housing, London had grown to two and half million, Liverpool to 376 000, Manchester to 303 000. In the last decade procurement and practice of both public and private work has been subject of huge change. Several wrongs have identified the public and private sector clients dissatisfaction with the traditional approach within the industry. Poor quality, over budget and late completion also has been increased problem in construction industry. For ex: Scottish parliament building in Edinburgh Initial budget-4o million Final cost-430million and 20 months late. The 1st step was taken in1994, Sir Michal Latham reported to the construction industry. Now the constructing best practice developed and developing with the support of Lathams and Eagans reports. These report led to best value, best practice achieving excellence in construction and new procurement routes and mainly focused in delivering value for money deliver project to time , quality and cost. Introduction to Sustainable Development and Sustainable Construction Sustainable development is the process by which we move towards sustainability. Sustainable development focuses on improving the quality of life for all without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the environment to supply them indefinitely. As defined in The Brundtland Report (1987): Within the UK construction industry, the concept of sustainable construction has emerged because of growing concerns on the environmental and social impacts created by the construction activities. By definition, sustainable construction is (Khalfan, M.M.A., 2002: 15): The creation and responsible management of healthy built environment based on resources efficient and ecological principles In 2004, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has registered more than 170,000 private construction contractors working in the UK and 93% of these companies employed less than 8 people (DTI, 2004). The Triple Bottom Line of Sustainable Construction As a whole, sustainable development or sustainable construction comprises of three broad themes of social, environmental and economic accountability, often known as the triple bottom line. The objectives of these three themes are (Constructing Excellence, 2004): Social To recognise the needs of everyone impacted by construction, from inception of a project to demolition. The list will include construction site workers, local communities, the supply chain and people that will use the finished product. Environmental To protect the environment from the impact of emissions, effluent and waste and where possible, to enhance it and use natural resources, carefully. Economic To increase profitability by making efficient use of resources, which includes labour, materials, energy and water. Figure 5: The Three Themes of Sustainable Development (Source: Khalfan, M.A.A., 2002: Figure 2) Sustainable construction takes account of these objectives in a balance at all stages of a construction project. However, within the context of this research, emphasis will be given the environmental aspect of sustainable construction, at production/construction phase. The improvement of construction performance by the MMC The MMC gives a wide range of benefits to construction industry. This includes a range of technologies and processes. By using MMC construction industry can benefit from: Reduced construction time The MMC can provide new construction facilities in less than half the time required for traditional construction. Reduced on-site activity MMC techniques require less time on site. This can be in the order of 20% of the time required using traditional methods. Reduced on site disruption As a many of construction work carry out off-site, the impact to the existing site is significantly low. In comparison to traditional construction, there is a reduction in noise, dust, and light pollution and the site will also benefit from less vehicle movements. As a result, the construction is able to carry on its operation with minimum disruption to the daily activities. Reduced health and safety risk Most construction work at the off-site therefore risk will be reduced for the workers and also for third parties. Improved quality control This construction makes higher degree of quality assurance. Both contractor and client could able to prove the building before the installation. Reduced force on on-site parking Minimum time required on-site for construction so reduced in need for parking. These are the major issue on many construction sites during the major development. The majority of construction related traffic is directed to the factory, causing less impact on the construction site. Increasing site utilisation Many construction sites are struggle to accommodate much needed new facilities. The nature of construction enables to provide facilities in many challenging locations such as over rooftops, on gantry style support structures and in enclosed courtyards. Overcoming skill shortage Cost-effective Predictable construction progress Reduced waste Fast and precise Speed up housing creation Maintain high standards of design quality Minimum resource consumption Makes use of more effective materials Less period of investment to the client The background to change has been: The apparent failure of the industry to satisfy the perceived needs of its customers, particularly in the way it organises and executes projects Changes in society towards greater openness and accountability, greater efficiency, effectiveness and economy Changes in IT and technology Growth in construction professionals Change in culture of working practices Spectacular failures of high profile, high value projects Recent reports into the state of the industry: Accelerating Change (Rethinking Construction, 2002) Government intervention in construction through privatisation philosophies e.g. compulsory competitive tendering, European legislation, PFI Pressure groups forcing through changes i.e. Clients wanting single point responsibility Impact of quality assurance systems which have evolved into a desire to establish best practices in construction work Conclusion Sustainable construction has increasingly gain popularity in the construction industry. It has been recognised as the way forward to improve the performance of the construction industry in the UK. With regards to the construction activities, sustainable construction practices such as waste management, water conservation, energy efficiency, use and procurement of materials and protection of biodiversity, should be given higher priority by the construction team. Emphasis on these practices will benefit the contractors and the whole construction industry. Task: 02 The outline introduction of proposed hotel The hotel will be built in the city centre of Wolverhampton which is near to the railway station on a restricted area. Shape: rectangular Storeys: 10 Bed room: 16 Hotel and surrounding area The site is in a prominent gateway location, on a major arterial route into the city centre, very close to the railway station. Location factors Narrow width between Culwell Street and Lock Street Levels difference between Culwell Street and Lock Street Overshadowing and lack of outlook because of Wednesfield Road and Noise from traffic, railway line and station Carver blast zone Site bisected by public footpath Contamination This is a very significant and unique site in terms of its location, prominence and constraints. The appropriate uses for this site are limited and a viable alternative to the proposed student housing seems highly unlikely, particularly in the current economic climate. It is considered that the proposed high quality buildings on a very difficult yet prominent site will create a positive landmark that has the potential to substantially improve the image of the City and the scheme should be welcomed. The proposed use and buildings will generate a range of benefits identified above. Comparison between the traditional and modern method of construction Basically, talking about the traditional method of construction its very attractive and simple. Most of the people like to build their dream building in the traditional method. Even though when its compared with modern method it has some disadvantages. The proposed hotel of comparison between both methods given by below. In the context of the construction industry, many of professionals would acknowledge that successful construction projects are often attributed to those that achieve the clients requirements and project objectives set out at the outset of the project. Such objectives may include delivery within the stipulated TIME period, construct within the budgeted COST and meet the QUALITY standard set. Other objectives, equally important, may include meeting functional requirements and satisfaction of the clients. 01) Cost: Clients have been increasingly concerned with the overall profitability of projects and the accountability of projects generally. Cost overruns, in association with project delays, are frequently identified as one of the principal factors leading to the high cost of construction (Charles and Andrew, 1990). In the hotel project, MMC leads to more effective than the traditional method. The MMC will help to ensure cost certainly. Construction time By using of MMC Builders could provide proposed hotel in less than half the time required for traditional construction. So this could help to the client earlier return of money. Site labour requirement In the MMC, most of the working process will carry out at off-site. Therefore all of the project members will be working together to maximise the output, in turn reducing the work required on site compared with traditional method. This implies the construction cost will be saved at all the stages. Professional fees The standard design details used for MMC therefore hotel will be simplify and minimise the need for specialist design input. Waste Site installation of the MMC is rapid and quiet operation this can be done just in time without site storage requirement. On the other hand the delivery of huge amount of materials will be reduced so that waste and also cost will be reduce by using MMC against the traditional method. Return of investment MMC technique has minimum time on-site because most of building element constructs using pre-fabricates elements, off-site production and off-site manufacturing. This could be in order of 20% time required compared with traditional method, again fast return of investment to the client. 02) Quality: To the client, quality may be defined as one of the components that contributes to value for money (Flanagan and Tate, 1997). Vincent and Joel (1995) define total quality management as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the integration of all functions and processes within an organisation in order to achieve continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services. The goal is customer Satisfaction. Furthermore, in order to achieve successful project quality management three separate drivers to quality management must be managed, namely: Integration of the project team so as to have a single objective and a common culture A customer focus for the team thereby facilitating the provision of products and services that will meet the clients needs A process of continuous improvement in the management of the construction project. MMC can deliver the hotel as good quality as much techniques providing under the durability. It makes possible a far higher degree of the quality control than a traditional construction project because of the factory controlled environment in terms of pre-assembled units. The hotel of both contractor and client can prove the building before installation on site. Using MMC hotel could ensure majority of internal fitting and mechanical and electrical installations with the good quality control and protecting against the weather damage and delays during the construction. 03) Speed Speed completion of a construction project is frequently seen as a major criterion of project success by clients, contractors and consultants alike. Newcombe et al. (1990) note that there has been universal criticism of the failure of the construction industry to deliver projects in a timely way. NEDO (1983) states that a disciplined management effort is needed to complete a construction project on time, and that this concerted management effort will help to control both costs and quality. This is tantamount to saying that the clients objectives can be achieved through a management effort that recognises the interdependence of time, cost and quality. Time MMC technique requires minimum time on-site because hotel construction going to be built using pre-fabricates elements, off-site production and off-site manufacturing. This could be in order of 20% time required compared with traditional method. This time saving implies: The site productivity will be increased and also speed. Earlier return of investment of hotel for the client Site preliminaries could be reduced as 8% to 15 of the total construction cost. Reduced in on-site labour requirement to less than a quarter. The standard design will be used in the project. Therefore this MMC could make better use of scarce and minimise in total development time with regard to maximum speed. 04) Risk In the last 25 years over 2,800 people have died by injuries as a result of construction process in Britain. Today health and safety conditions have been improved by the construction professionals. Many of contractors are seeking for improve safety on site for its employees and also subcontractors. The location of hotel project is close to the rail way station and also restricted area. The risk should be considerable mainly at the working site. The major benefit of using MMC in the hotel project, the health and safety risk involved minimised due to following factors: Off-site manufacture: Many of the construction and fit out of the hotel will take place in a controlled factory environment where is not affected by the weather condition. The multi story of hotel will be constructed at ground level minimising risks from working at height. Safety measures could be strictly imposed and simple to supervise. Modern installation: Once the installation delivered to site, a fit out modern building requires fewer contractors, far smaller no of deliveries, less construction compound and overall minimises the disruption to the hotel surrounding environment. All of these things reduce the health and safety risk. When compared to traditional method, overall the complete construction process could be 60% of the total time of traditional method, again reducing probability of incident. Disruption: The installation to the hotel will take place off-site. It has fewer people will be around and cause less disruption to the site area. The less period on site also exposes hotel staff and public to minimise risks. The reduced working progress on site will reduce exposure to risks both for construction workers and the public, again MMC makes much safer from construction. 05) Design integration: In the MMC the design integration must be considered early and also economy of scale could be achieved through the design. Once it compared to traditional method the MMC has more preferred method when design integration considered. The following key points are consist benefits of MMC compared to traditional. At off-site manufacture hotel building gives a pre-assembled unit life spans could vary from 25 to 60 year design life by using frame type and specification employed. The frame going to be used in the construction of hotel, which benefit from void at roof level allowing easy to re-routing of mechanical and electrical services. During the life cycle of the hotel, floor could be reconfigured with the mechanical and electrical services simply suit in the service void. The hotel could be relocated en masse to another site, and it will be used for the same purpose where it was originally constructed or re-configured for a different requirement. In the MMC, most of the hotel structure will be built using steel. This gives very efficient as a structural material and relatively small quantity of steel accomplishes spans of high-load bearing capacity and also it has less in weight so it can be handled easily on site. Conclusion: MMC offers considerable offers to the developers or builders in term of fast of construction, ability to pre-plan the construction work and minimised call-backs. Its providing hotel building offers sustainability in the honest way that traditional construction will never be able to match. Even though this MMC still facing some barriers which are poor understanding, poor courage, poor acuity, poor agreement for products, poor skills and cost perception. So in this hotel construction its essential that these obstacle both by client and project team members. Case study 01: Hotel, Granada Travelodge, London This project contains 64 bed rooms building with underground parking facilities. It was built by the steel frame with the support of MMC. It has five story building and space for public on the ground floor. Building includes bar for breakfast and different lifts facilities. The benefits arisen from MMC in this project were: Maintained better finished quality Site production and preparation was done in same time with factory production, therefore less disruption for existing business and environment. There was a cost effective for 5 storey building. Hotel was built within 27 weeks, more of this winter moths also included. The all manufacture cost was reduced by 35% Extra revenue, as early completion of the building was brought additional  £179,000 income for the client. Case study 02: Barling court, stockwell, London This project contains 8 apartments with the bed room facilities. This apartment originally were manufactured in Krakow and transferred to sites. No of apartments-08 Project cost- £700,000 Construction type- Modern Reduction in site labour-75% Reduction in commercial vehicle movement-40% Reduction in waste-70% From these case studies Again these case studies give a better preferred method is MMC Its a preferred method of proving hotel as proposed.